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Steve Chandler Workshop for Writers

The Sept. 12th workshop sold out, but stay tuned for Spring 2010!


Saturday, September 12, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona
9am to 6pm 


Are you an author?


Do you want to be an author?


     Come spend a full day with me and experience me not as a coach, but as an author of over 20 books, many of them bestsellers, and learn all my secrets, my experience, my blunders, my mistakes and my most brilliant, unorthodox secrets for:

     * Setting up a writing discipline that works for you.
     * Getting your book written (well.)
     * Learning what readers love and hate.
     * Getting your book published.
     * Choosing a great title.
     * Getting reviews and endorsements.
     * Generating high levels of sales.
     * Enjoying the whole process.
     * Best use of blogs.
     * Using your book to get business.   

     The fee for this exciting, interactive day is $540 with a $60 discount for early bird registration and/or Club Fearless membership. Seating is limited, so send your fee now and you'll receive, immediately, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, the creative textbook for our workshop. 

     This workshop will be one half devoted to the creative process ... how to write a book that people will want to buy for themselves and their friends. I'll share everything that has worked and not worked for me through 22 books. I'll also interact with you to answer your most frustrating questions.

     The second half of the workshop will be devoted to money and fame. How to find a publisher, get published, and/or publish yourself, pros and cons. How to make sure the book sells and sells for as long as you live. How to use your book to get business, and advance your career. All the work will be based on what has worked and not worked for me.

     Are you too old (or too young) to write a book?

     From the age of 35 to the age of 48 I thought I had passed my prime and it was too late in the game for me to be an author. At the age of 49 I wrote my first book. It's never too late. My own plan is to write 60 more books. Come learn how I am going to do this, and what the books will be about.

     When will I find time to write?

      This workshop will dispel all the notions you may have of "not having the extra time" necessary to write. I wrote all 22 of my books while I was a full time coach, corporate trainer and speaker.

      This workshop will destroy a number of myths and fears about writing and authoring and create a freedom and inspired space for you to write in for the rest of your life.

     We will serve you continental breakfast and a full lunch at the Hilton.
Go here to book a room:

Hilton Phoenix Airport
2435 South 47th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85034
(480) 894-1600
Get directions
